


本片是以指责现代银行系统为途径,旨在恢复金本位为目的。是1996年发行的一部由主创人员业余制作的一部纪录片,当时并没有太大影响,IMDb都没有此片的页面。次贷危机出现之后,这一话题又热了起来,本片导演Bill Still就势又适时的制作了两部附片:MONEY AS DEBT I & II。总的来说是一部阴谋论作品,和所有其他阴谋论一样,是很不错的消遣用品。同时也提出了些疑问,各位观众下去认真研究一下,不要无凭无据,人云亦云。毛主席讲话,“我们的口号是:一,不做调查没有发言权。二,不做正确的调查同样没有发言权。”
  和《时代精神》不同,主创不是公益组织,这片子是卖钱的。正如其网站所说,“This video/DVD is NOT in the public domain - it is copyrighted material.”本片非公有领域,制片方享有版权。
  The Problem
  The Money Changers
  Roman Empire
  The Goldsmiths of Medieval England
  Tally sticks
  The Bank of England
  The Export of Private Central Banking to America
  The Rise of the Rothschilds
  The American Revolution
  The Bank of North America
  The Constitutional Convention
  First Bank of the U.S.
  Napoleon's Rise to Power
  Death of the First Bank of the United States
  War of 1812, Waterloo
  Andrew Jackson Kills the Second Bank of the U.S.
  Second Bank of the U.S.
  Andrew Jackson
  Abe Lincoln and the Civil War
  The Return of the Gold Standard
  Free Silver
  J.P. Morgan / 1907 Crash
  The Rise of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
  Jekyll Island
  Federal Reserve Act
  J.P. Morgan / WWI
  Roaring 20s / Great Depression
  FDR / WWII / Fort Knox
  Conclusion and Monetary Reform Act
  World Central Bank and Conclusions.